Nia Hill
Howard University
Funded by: WFF Scholar
- 2018-2019
Nia Hill, expected class of 2020, is from Chicago, Illinois. She is majoring in accounting with a minor in Sociology at Howard University, the number two ranked Historically Black College and University. Recently, Nia interned with Tiltas as a Product Development Intern. Last summer, she interned with PricewaterhouseCoopers as an Internal Firm Services Intern. She is highly active on Howard’s campus with serving as president for both the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. and Word Up! Campus Ministry. She also serves as a team leader for Howard University School of Business Executive Leadership Honors Program and a management team leader for the 21st Century Advantage Program. After graduating from Howard University, Nia aspires to have a successful career in the financial services sector as a Certified Public Accountant.