Lakiyah Durham | Williams-Franklin Foundation®
Lakiyah Durham

Lakiyah Durham

Tuskegee University

Funded by: WFF Scholar

  • 2020-2021

Lakiyah Durham, expected class of 2023, is originally from Upper Marlboro, Maryland. She is studying Animal Poultry & Veterinary Sciences at Tuskegee University. At Tuskegee, Lakiyah is a member of the Pre-Vet Med Club and the Pre-Alumni Council. She is a volunteer for the Tuskegee University TA Research Project and Tuskegee University Caprine Facilities where she works closely with animals. Lakiyah is a recipient of many awards including the Tuskegee University Merit Scholarship as well as the Charles R. Drew Memorial Scholarship Award. Upon graduation, Lakiyah plans to become a veterinarian.